Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, our service is available to both residents and visitors alike. Just download the APP once you have your vehicle details and select the desired package.

Stay calm. If you have not already done so, turn on your hazard lights (blinkers) to warn oncoming traffic that you are having trouble. Call Roadside Response at 242-824-7263 (ROAD) or Tap the APP.

Yes, you can upgrade at any time however any unused service calls cannot be transferred to the new membership.

  • We accept EFT/Electronic Funds Transfers to First Caribbean International Bank or Commonwealth Bank
  • Zelle transfers (US Banks Accounts)
  • Credit/Debit Card (4% surcharge)

Yes, you can undoubtedly call us for help if you’re having trouble starting your vehicle or having any other mechanical issues. It’s a service that you can use to fix your car trouble no matter if you’re on the side of the road, at work, in a parking lot, or at home.

Roadside Response usually covers basic tasks that would help your vehicle back on the road. These services generally consist of :
  • Towing your vehicle if can’t be driven or has any mechanical issues
  • Delivering fuel to your car if it runs out of gas
  • Unlocking your vehicle if you’re locked out
  • Jump-starting your vehicle if it’s battery runs out of charge
  • Changing a flat tire